1. Build your Credit Score
2. Reduce your Current Borrowing / EMI Costs
There are many ways in which an individual/company can find their PAN card details. You can use Search PAN to get access to your PAN details. Individuals or any other entities can find out their PAN details by using Search PAN, using Know Your PAN from the e-filing website of Income Tax Department. Search PAN can be used to get access to an entity's PAN details as well as verify them.
Your PAN details will be viewed on the webpage. The details that can be accessed using Search PAN website are- name, address, area of jurisdiction and area code
An alternate way to get access to your PAN details is by visiting the e-filing website of the Income Tax Department.
To find out your PAN details only through your name and date of birth, you need to follow these steps:
The details that can be accessed through e-filing website are- name, area code, area of jurisdiction, address.
You can easily find out your address registered in your PAN card by visiting the e-filing website.
An alternative way to find out your PAN details is by entering your e-filing account details
Your address along with other information enclosed in the PAN card will be displayed on the screen.