1. Build your Credit Score
2. Reduce your Current Borrowing / EMI Costs
When it comes to stress related to money, it does not matter if you are rich or poor. It will affect you. Of course, money related stress for the rich and the poor shall be very different, but it will be there. Did you know that more than 61% of the population has money-related stress and problems?
Most of us think that if we just had more money, we would not have any problems in life. But then how will you explain the money-related stress which the rich people are in? It only takes one bankruptcy to propel back an affluent person into the lower ranks of society, let’s not forget. So it is not a question of having more money. It is more about better money management.
So, how can you have less money-related stress in life?
In this blog, we are going to show you 5 ways to de-money-stress!
Don’t monitor your accounts too much: It is not a healthy habit to log in to your savings or checking account each day to check your funds. No, it is not healthy at all. It is paranoia. Neither is it healthy to get text messages after every change in your account. Look, you are not Sherlock Holmes. Don’t try to be. It is highly stressful, does not help anything, and besides there is no mystery!
Focus on needs only: You may think that you really NEED the latest smartphone or the latest sports car, but those luxury items are not what you need. Those are your WANTS. In other words, you can do without them. Things you actually need are food, clothing, shelter and love. Once you cut down the frivolous things from your life, you'll know how many things you do not need. It’s actually liberating to know how much you can live without.
Set up spending limits: It can also be freeing to know how much money you can save by not spending. Set up a budget or limits to what you can actually spend per month. Leave a little bit of flexibility in the beginning, in case this is the first time you are setting spending limits or making a budget. If you wish, you can make it a hard limit. It’s totally your choice, but know that the latter brings results faster.
Designate an amount for everything, from eating out to entertainment. That way, when you do spend on them, you can do so guilt-free. And if money runs out? Well, you’ll know where you overspent and you can improve on that next month. This tip alone slashes down your money-related stress level!
Use money as a tool: Money is only a tool to use for buying things. If you already live a comfortable life, what then is the use of more money? You can save that instead of spending everything now! More money, if you are living a comfortable life already, won’t bring additional comfort or security. Remember, money is just a means of exchange.
Having money does not equal happiness always: More money does not always bring more happiness nor improve the quality of your life. People find joy when they have little money too, while some of the wealthiest people in the world are unhappy. Try finding joy in other things in your life apart from money. Be grateful for the things you do have.
In the end, we want to tell you that don’t let money take a center stage in your life. It only gives you more stress. Rather, create a lifestyle where it matters how you live, not how much you earn.