1. Build your Credit Score
2. Reduce your Current Borrowing / EMI Costs
The 20s in your life is possibly the first time you have to make very big decisions, capable of having a long-term effect on your life. Should you change jobs or career at this time? Should you get married and start a family? Should you buy a home or get a home loan? What about a car? Or should you travel the world instead?
All of these questions you may have already thought, or are thinking now. No matter which path you choose at this part of your life, it all comes down to health money management, which shall help you in meeting all your goals and dreams.
In this article, we are going to go through a few healthy financial habits you can start following today.
Control spending: You set the real foundation of your financial health when you start spending responsibly. If you are struggling to decide how much you should be spending and on what, follow the 50/30/20 budget. According to this budget, spend 50% of your income on necessities, 30% on meeting your wants, and the last 20% on your various savings. When you do this, you’ll find that you get many benefits.
For instance, if earlier you could not decide whether buying a theater ticket is a need or a want, following a budget shall put things into perspective. You may discover that you are spending way too much on things you can easily cut down on, like dining out and entertainment.
If you want to control your spending, there are two strategies you can adopt. First of all, see your spending from a different light. For instance, if you spend ₹200 per day on takeout junk food, think how much it adds up in a year! A lot, right? Well, that is a good reason to curb expenses.
Secondly, if there is a strong desire to buy something, wait for 72 hours. Once that period is over and you have hopefully cooled down, do you still want to buy it? What value will it bring in your life? How much will it affect your finances?
Save regularly: This is a given. You need to save more than you spend. We get it, the 20s is a time when everything is still exciting and you want to splurge left and right. But you need to save regularly. The very first thing you should do is to build an emergency fund large enough to take care of three month’s worth of living expenses. There’s no need to build such a fund overnight, and in fact, it is not easy to do that. Build it slowly over time. Start small, and grow it from there. If your current expenses force you to take money off this emergency fund, don’t worry about it. When that situation is over, just start refilling your coffers again.
Build your credit score: Grade school may be over, but there’s one grade you can’t ignore. This is your credit score. High credit score helps you to get loans or credit on low interest rates. Credit score will be an important factor when getting a home loan, car loan, and the like. Your 20s is a time to increase or build your credit score.
Save for your retirement: When you are in your 20s, you may think that your retirement is a long way off. That may be true, but remember that time waits for no one. The fact that you are in your 20s makes it the perfect time to start planning for your retirement, and thus building your retirement fund.
All of this may seem like a ton of work, but adopting these strategies shall spell success for your financial life later on.