Equifax Report Details
Personal InformationPersonal information, like names and addresses, are typically reported to the credit bureaus by your lenders. If you've filled out applications using different name variations or addresses, then those variations will likely appear on your credit reports as well. Find out more about personal information on your credit report.
You have no employment information on your credit report.ADDRESSES REPORTED
Public RecordsA Public record is a mark on your credit resulting from a government proceeding, including bankruptcies, civil judgements and more. These marks can negatively affect your credit health.
CollectionsIf you've fallen behind on payments, your account could be sent to a collections agency. This can have a big impact on your credit score.
Hard InquiriesWhen you apply for a new credit account, a hard inquiry will usually get added to your report, which can make a small dent in your score. Here are the inquiries on your Equifax report.
Mix of Borrowing
Secured Loans
Not Secured Loans
Account Balances
Learning Karma Articles
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